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Friday 10th March - Snow Day


Learning Ideas

Maths -
If you go outside - find different depths of snow and measure them, what 3D shapes can you make with the snow?
If you are able to do baking use the weighing and jug scales,
Using the internet find the temperatures of capital cities around the world and find the difference between the coldest and the hottest.

Read a book in a nice warm cosy space,
Write a snow inspired poem,
How many adjectives (descriptive words) can you think of for snow?
Watch a movie and write a review or advert for it,
Practise your spellings.

You can access your Purple Mash Account and look through any topics and subjects on there (they don’t have to be set as to dos),
Enjoy the snow and take photos of the fun you have,
Make a start on your homework,
Paint a picture on a snow canvas (take paints out),
Draw or paint what you see through the window,
Play a board game with other members of the family.

I will keep an eye on Dojo so upload any photos, work or videos to your portfolio. If you have any problems accessing your portfolio ask a parent / carer to message me and I will try and help.