2024 AGM

2024 AGM Agenda & Information on Roles / Responsibilities of the Committee
Welcome to the Friends of Hade Edge
The Friends of Hade Edge School (FOHE) is a group of volunteers consisting of parents, carers and teachers who meet regularly to organise events and raise funds which go directly back into benefitting the children at our school. We have an elected committee and then a number of regular attendees and helpers, however anyone and everyone is welcome to attend our meetings or help out at any of our events.
Our current committee:
Co-Chairs (Trustees) – Vanessa Booth Secretary – Louisa Madden
Treasurer (Trustee) – Katherine Miller
We hold a number of events throughout the school year, which usually include fairs at Easter and Christmas, discos, hosting stalls at the village fair and other events. Due to Covid many of these events have had to be put on hold, but we are slowly and surely getting back to normal. Since September 2021 we have run a number of second-hand uniform sales, a wonderful Halloween Disco and we have also been selling books, toys and home bakes after our recent class assemblies. We have even bigger and better things planned for the future.
The money raised from our events goes directly back into the school. In the past we have been able to contribute towards hoodies for the year 6 leavers class, theme weeks, funding Times Tables Rock Stars and bringing the ice cream van round after sports day. All of which help make school a more enjoyable place for the kids to be.
Our committee positions are re-elected at our AGM; however you do not need to be on the committee to help out and come to meetings. We are always looking for more volunteers to help out. If you would like to know more, please come and talk to a member of the committee in the playground, email us on FOHE@hotmail.com or visit our Facebook Page (just search for “Friends of Hade Edge School”).