Home learning for 10th March 2023
Home learning plan
Here are some suggested activities to complete throughout the day. You can upload any work and photos onto your class dojo portfolio.
- Spellings - We would normally be doing our spelling test so this can be completed. The spellings for each year group were posted on class dojo last week.
- Reading - Spend at least 20 minutes reading.
- Year 1 phonics - Complete the activities below.
- Maths - Complete the activities below.
- Additional activities - play in the snow! Build a snowman or make a snow angel. Complete any ongoing homework projects.
Maths games
Year 1 can practise number bonds, doube facts and additions within 20. Year 2 can practise number facts within 100 and try the times tables games.
Year 1 - practise your maths skills with some songs from BBC Supermovers!
Year 2 - Practise your times tables songs
Phonics - Year 1
Work through the powerpoint above and then practise putting the -er words into a sentence. They can be as silly as you like! If you want some extra practise play the buried treasure game on Phonicsplay https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/buried-treasure