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Our school has, for many years, recognised the fundamental importance of Technology teaching both as a discrete subject, and as an integrated tool to be used in the wider curriculum. 

For the purpose of this, we loosely define ‘technology’ as something which: 

•    helps to automate a process which has multiple stages (eg a washing machine).

•    assists in the electronic enhancement of information storage and retrieval.

•    facilitates communication (verbal and non verbal) between people.

The school aims to equip its children with the necessary skills and knowledge in computing to be able to use contemporary technologies to enhance their work and lives. 

We work to provide as many opportunities as possible for children to develop their core skills, thus giving them a competitive edge in the ever more technologically demanding learning and working environments of today.

Our primary goal is to build children’s confidence in the subject providing them with the transferable skills for a technology driven future.