Out of School Club
Hade Edge Out of School Club operates Monday to Thursday in the school hall. Our breakfast session runs from 7.30 to 9am and after school- school care 3.15 to 6pm.
Breakfast is served during our morning session and we finish serving at 8.15am. A light tea is served pm. There are a variety of activities provided, indoor and outdoor at both sessions.
The club is Ofsted registered; we had our first inspection in September 2021 the report is available to read at Ofsted | Hade Edge Out Of School Club
You can find our services on the Kirklees website as an out of school provider. ALL relevant certificates are displayed on our out of school club notice board.
The staff at the club have a number of qualifications: I (Teresa) and Jo and Amy have paediatric first aid, Sarah has first aid at work, we have training in food safety/ safeguarding / Prevent. Sarah and I are level 3 trained and Amy level 5, Miss Beever is forest school trained and Ms Hughes a qualified teacher.
We require everyone to complete a registration form before your child attends as this is an Ofsted requirement.
Please feel free to visit us or send us a text or email.
All information can be found on our registration pack which can be located on the school’s website under Out of School Club.
All the out of school club team