Homework at Hade Edge
Homework will be based on our topic work and all children are encouraged to take part. We would like the children to create a piece of work linked to our current topic.
There are several suggestions on the opposite page as to what homework might look like, but please remember that your child can do ANYTHING THEY LIKE relating to our topic. This could be a poster, art work, collage, written report, poem, story, model making, Powerpoint, dance. The list really is endless. We often find that children come up with amazing ideas we would never have thought of! This is their opportunity to be creative and let their imaginations lead their homework.
Children will present their homework in class during the last week of every half term. The homework project can be completed at any time throughout the half term. We simply ask that all projects are brought into school on the last week of term ready for our ‘show and tell’ session.
Please read the back page of the homework booklet for further advice on how you can support your child at home.
If you have ANY questions about homework please speak to the class teacher.
Thank you for your continued support.