Our Staff
Find out about our fabulous teachers and support staff who are delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to your child's education.
Head Teacher - Gemma Koltuk
Children in Care, Pupil Premium, EYFS, Senior Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead, PSHE, Music, SEND, Data, Health and Safety, Personal Development.
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Assistant Head Teacher -Tamara Jackson
Maths, Science, Computing, Assessment, School Council, First Aid.
Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Class Teacher - Christine Peace
EYFS, MFL, RE, Geography.

Class Teacher - Natalie Loy
History, Design Technology, PE

Class Teacher - Vicky Mckinnell
Literacy, PE, History, Geography, OWLS (outdoor curriculum).
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

PPA Teacher - Moya Moriarty
Art and Design.

Support Staff - Amy Kelly
Educational Teaching Assistant Lunch Time Supervisor

Support Staff - Janeen Turner-Barrow
Educational Teaching Assistant Lunch Time Supervisor

Support Staff - Amy Rostron
Educational Teaching Assistant

Support Staff - Julia Lockwood
Educational Teaching Assistant
Support Staff - Sally Hughes
Educational Teaching Assistant

Office Staff - Judith Heppenstall
School Administrator Business Support Officer

Caretaker - vacancy
Maintainance and Repairs Cleaning

Cleaner - Rachel Booth - Redfearn

School Cook - Julie Turner

Kitchen Support - Genna Walker